
For nearly 3.5 years, Rhys Phillips and the team started your week between 7 & 9am every Monday morning on Radio Cardiff. Initially joined each week by newsreader Jo Cox and travel reporter Will Smith, the show was later co-presented by newsreader Dominic Westerland, travel reporter Mike Sims and sportscaster Kevin Hatchard.

The show was two hours of great music and features including a look through the morning papers, community news for the city of Cardiff and the infamous Monday Quiz! The team were also joined by special guests from the world of entertainment on the programme each week.

Monday Breakfast took it’s last bow on 29th December 2014. You can listen to the show again in full below. Rhys can still be found on Radio Cardiff on Saturdays with the all new Radio Cardiff Jazz Breakfast (with Mike), Thursday nights for Pythagoras’ Trousers and presenting Radio Cardiff’s Sunday World News Bulletins. Dom can be found on Saturday afternoons with his weekly film review show.

Latest Show
Now available: 29/12/14 – Farewell Monday Breakfast!

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