Engineer’s Question Time 2014

Rhys Phillips chairs another Engineer’s Question time event with a panel comprised of Barry Brooks, president of the IET, Tom Crick, senior lecturer at Cardiff Metropolitan University, Andy Pugh, consultant engineer for BMT Hi-Q Sigma and Kate Darlington, Membership Development Officer for the Institution of Civil Engineers.

Episode #165

The right to be forgotten, picking up rice and Herschel anniversary Tom Crick comments on the current news story regarding the right to be forgotten online, Huw James brings us a science trick to try at home, we meet engineer Estelle Barrois and Chris North reports from Paris on the 5th anniversary celebrations of the [...]

Episode #164

Fuel from algae, counting stars and a zoo bus Rhys talks to Steve Skill from the Centre for Sustainable Aquatic Research at Swansea University about research looking at using algae as a renewable energy source, Neil Monteiro explains how we know how many stars there are in the universe, we meet medical engineer Gemma Whatling and [...]

Pythagoras Lecture: Mathematics & Healthcare Management

Speaker: Dr Vince Knight Mathematics can be used to model the flow of patients in a healthcare system. In this talk, Dr Vincent Knight will give an overview of how and where these techniques are used will be given.