May 26 2014 by
Rhys Phillips in
Podcasts |
Rhys Phillips chairs another Engineer’s Question time event with a panel comprised of Barry Brooks, president of the IET, Tom Crick, senior lecturer at Cardiff Metropolitan University, Andy Pugh, consultant engineer for BMT Hi-Q Sigma and Kate Darlington, Membership Development Officer for the Institution of Civil Engineers.
May 19 2014 by
Rhys Phillips in
Podcasts |
The right to be forgotten, picking up rice and Herschel anniversary Tom Crick comments on the current news story regarding the right to be forgotten online, Huw James brings us a science trick to try at home, we meet engineer Estelle Barrois and Chris North reports from Paris on the 5th anniversary celebrations of the [...]
May 12 2014 by
Rhys Phillips in
Podcasts |
Fuel from algae, counting stars and a zoo bus Rhys talks to Steve Skill from the Centre for Sustainable Aquatic Research at Swansea University about research looking at using algae as a renewable energy source, Neil Monteiro explains how we know how many stars there are in the universe, we meet medical engineer Gemma Whatling and [...]
May 5 2014 by
Rhys Phillips in
Podcasts |
Speaker: Dr Vince Knight Mathematics can be used to model the flow of patients in a healthcare system. In this talk, Dr Vincent Knight will give an overview of how and where these techniques are used will be given.