Episode #163

Taking your brain for a walk, tea bag rockets and a possible Earth-like planet Rhys talks to Professor Kirk Erickson about new research that shows that going for a walk can prevent your brain from shrinking and delay onset of dementia, Zoe Randell from science made simple explains how you can make a tea bag [...]

Pythagorean Exploration: Culham Centre for Fusion Energy

In this special documentary about fusion energy, Rhys Phillips visits the Culham Centre for Fusion Energy in Oxford. As well as learning about how nuclear energy works, Rhys is shown the Joint European Torus (JET) and the Mega-Amp Spherical Tokamak (MAST). He also learns about the next generation research device under construction in France (ITER) [...]

Episode #162

Lack of engineers, pollinating insects and exercising the brain Jess Jones comments on a report that Wales needs 2,500 more engineering graduates by 2020, Beth Berry reports on the international status of pollinating insects, we meet Michael de Podesta and Chris Marley talks about research into the effect of aerobic exercise on the brain.

Episode #161

Saharan dust, dying stars and astronomical photography Tim Jones and Teresa Monero explain the recent air pollution peak, Neil Monteiro explains the life cycle of the sun, we meet engineer Sally Sudworth from the Environment Agency and Rhys talks to astronomer Pete Lawrence.