Episode #99

UK Science Blog Prize and National Space Centre Rhys talks to Suzi Gage about winning the 2012 UK Science Blog Prize, our STEM Ambassador of the Week is Daniel Biggs from JCB, Chris North talks to Anu Ojha about the National Space Centre and Kathryn Harkup tells us about Maurice Wilks.

Episode #98

Skeptical Roundup & Darwin Tunes Trevor J Williams gives us a roundup of recent skeptical news stories, our STEM Ambassador of the Week is Ray Skene, Rhys talks to Dr Bob MacCallum at Imperial University about Darwin Tunes and Kathryn Harkup tells us about Arthur Eddington.

Episode #97

Photovoltaics & Ash Dieback Disease Julie Gould reports on photovoltaics, our STEM Ambassador of the Week is Tony Campbell from Cardiff University, Owen Thurgate from the Forestry Commission Wales explains Ash Dieback Disease and Kathryn Harkup tells us about William Herschel.

Episode #96

Consumer Technology & Hurricane Sandy Kris Sangani joins Rhys to talk about the demise of Ceefax, the Microsoft Surface and looks ahead to the likely most wanted gadgets on people’s Christmas lists this year, our STEM Ambassador of the Week is Ben Evans from Swansea University, Helen Chivers from the Met Office explains the science [...]

Episode #95

Science of Sound and Sue Nelson Elaine Morgan explains why sounds sound muffled through a wall, our STEM Ambassador of the Week is Farzana Rahman and Rhys talks to science broadcaster and journalist Sue Nelson. All that plus  Kathryn Harkup profiles another scientist from history.