Episode #94

Liquid Nitrogen and Exoplanets Suze Kundu explains the science behind liquid nitrogen, our STEM Ambassador of the Week is Ric Kelly, Chris North brings us the latest news on exoplanets and  Kathryn Harkup profiles another black scientist from history.

Episode #93

Anesthetic and Red Bull Stratos Julie Gould investigates how anesthetics work, our STEM Ambassador of the Week is David Morgan, Chiara Mingarelli explains the science behind the Red Bull Stratos jump and Kathryn Harkup who tells us all about Daniel Hale Williams.

Episode #92

Book reviews and David Blaine Dominc Lenton reviews the latest engineering & technology related books, Mark Lewney is our STEM Ambassador of the Week and later on, Phil Leichauer explains why David Blaine’s latest stunt isn’t so remarkable after all. All that plus Kathryn Harkup who tells us all about Percy Julian.

Episode #91

The science of bleach and Helen Keen Elaine Morgan is back to answer your science related questions and this week explains how bleach works. Astronomer Chris North is our STEM Ambassador of the Week and later on, Rhys talks to science comedienne Helen Keen. All that plus Kathryn Harkup who tells us all about Henrietta Lacks.